Periodontal disease, gingivitis, periodontal pocket, root furcation, flap surgery, parostatus, gum disease, gingival bleeding
Suspected periodontitis?
Don’t worry, you can find out everything about gum disease here. Periodontitis is treatable.
What is the periodontal status?
At the beginning of a therapy, initial findings such as bleeding, plaque index, pocket depth and mobility of the tooth are recorded. This investigation, in which the findings are collected, is called periodontal status. The findings should reach a certain value at the end of the periodontal therapy. This ensures that the inflammatory bone loss is stopped.
What is periodontitis?
Periodontitis in the vernacular (periodontal disease) is a disease of the periodontium (gum). An inflammation caused by the bacteria in plaque, leads to bone being lost: the result is receding gums. Periodontal disease is a slow-moving disease characterized by bleeding gums, bad breath, gum recession and gingival swelling.
What can I do against periodontitis?
Check out the video “Denta Beaute first consultation” in our video channel and buy a mouthwash. The correct use can be found in the video “using mouthwash”. A periodontal treatment and then the maintenance of clean tooth structures using an oral irrigator is the key to success.
How long does a periodontitis therapy take?
Periodontal therapy usually takes 8 weeks. Of course, there are mild and more severe forms, so the duration of 8 weeks may vary. In total there are 4-6 sessions spread over 8 weeks, periodontal status, 2-4 initial therapies and the periodontal evaluation.
What to do after the periodontal treatment?
After a therapy you will have regular check-ups, which can be every 6 months to every 2 years depending on the case. You will automatically be reminded by our software and can also turn off the reminder at any time.
What does a periodontal treatment cost?
The price of periodontal therapy depends on the duration of the treatment. The most used package is that of 8 weeks (parostatus, 2 initial therapies, para-reevalutation, check up): the costs in Vienna range from a few hundred euros to €2000, depending on the practitioner and district. We had our prices here, then our registry (Austrian Dental Association) sued us for violating advertising policies and we were forced to take the prices back offline. It’s best you call us, or come for a free first visit, where you will get all the prices.
Does the therapy hurt?t
The periodontitis therapy is not painful. Should it get too uncomfortable then just say so and we can numb the gums. Also, you have no significant impairments after the therapy.
What is periodontitis...
and how is it treated? All this you will learn in the video. Our treatments are based on the recommendations of leading medical societies, and/or follow the guidelines of evidence-based medicine.
At the periostatus appointment, accurate x-rays of the periodontium are made, so the therapy can be planned optimally. Thanks to our digital X-ray system, we guarantee you accurate images with the lowest radiation exposure. We have a DVT, digital 35mm and digital panoramic x-ray in house.
Frequently asked questions about periodontitis
In 25 years you collect many questions – here is a small selection. If your question isn’t here, please contact us!
Is periodontis contagious?
How can I recognize periodontis?
That depends a lot on your body perception. A common symptom is bad breath and / or gums bleedING. Some are very sensitive to these symptoms, others are not. As a rule, the disease is painless.